Forthcoming in Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies 20 (1). My great honor to cooperate with Prof. Chin-peng CHU, EU Jean Monnet Chair and my supervisor of the government scholarship in 1998-2002.
Visiting Agriculture Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan. In this Jean Monnet Chair, I designed an internship interrupted by COVID-19. Students can discuss Taiwan's agriculture credit guarantee system thanks to President Chou.
EU-East Asia Relations in a Shifting Global Order II on Sep.12-13, 2024
It has been the fourth UGent-Egmont Institute-NTU workshop since 2018. We would like to thank the institutes below for supporting us. Thank to Dean of College of Social Sciences NTU, Mr. Ambassador Branders (Belgium in Taipei), Prof. Biscop and Prof. Dessein (UGent & Egmont), and colleagues on the EU studies, this workshop was again successful.