
目前顯示的是 12月, 2021的文章

2021 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Economic Association

Sorry it is not in English but my extension related to Taiwan's brain drain: was it mainly attributed to Taiwan's monetary policies or mainland China's economic gravity? Agenda:  http://www.teaweb.org.tw/UpFile/1/Attach/2021-12/10541169895.pdf?

UGent-Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021

Great honor as the first lecturer to present my research.   The three EU partners (UGent-Groningen-Goettingen) that are involved in this Taiwan Chair decided to jointly organize a series of 6 online lectures by the Taiwan Chair holders.  The details of the series are on the website:  https://www.ugent.be/chinaplatform/en/news-events/news/taiwan-lectures-cafe-2021.htm