It is necessary to understand the East Asian development before we think of the EU-East Asia Industrial interactions. Moreover, the Taiwan-China relation is important for the adjustment of East Asian industrial supply chains. I will teach this course mainly for postgraduate students to prepare for their advanced studies. Therefore , the main course materials will be recent journal publications, or the newest working papers of the last three years by academic institutions including the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), IMF, Work Bank, BIS, CEPR, and ECB, etc. Some issues related to the EU’s values (e.g., environmental pollution) are also covered. The topics and readings (working papers and journal articles) will be updated according to the newest research results. For instance, the papers below were the required readings of this course in the academic year 2020-2021: Campante, Filipe R., Davin Chor, and Bingjing Li (2019) “The political e...