
目前顯示的是 12月, 2022的文章

EU-East Asia: Green Development and Environment Innovation sponsored by College of Social Sciences, NTU

I chaird the session and enjoyed the presentation on Dec. 9, 2023: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NjE0Mjc0MA==&mid=2650976899&idx=1&sn=1515ec8f8e94972748528c1b38cde78a&chksm=bd1bd9788a6c506ef8ad93efc4a4a1a5e15b893513c2ac2064f241ab6b8aca1934d88ad86a9e&mpshare=1&scene=2&srcid=1208Wcd1EZ79YUkZAM6ITDn9&sharer_sharetime=1670509684416&sharer_shareid=f02d7d02dea24be7d4bc18a140f227a5#rd

International Political Science Association (IPSA) Regional Dialogues - Asia/Oceania

  A good talk.  Very glad to know 8 Presidents of East Asian countries, IPSA executive committee member Prof. EY Kim, and the new President Prof. Dianne Pinderhughes. 

Conference for the 60th Anniversery Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (Nov.28)

I presented the impact of global supply chain changes on Taiwan's manufactoring and financial sectors.